LOS ANGELES COMMUNIT Y COLLEGE DISTRICT 9 Los Angeles City College Established in1929, Los Angeles City College (LACC) is one of the oldest community colleges in California. Located in the heart of Hollywood, LACC provides a dynamic, innovative learning environment offering more than100 vocational and professional programs including degrees, transfer programs and certificates in disciplines to more than18,000 students per year. Whether they are a recent high school grad attending college for the first time, a Veteran preparing for a career outside of the military, a single parent returning to school or a displaced worker learning a new trade, LACC is their first step on the journey to higher education and professional career success. At LACC, we provide students with the tools they need to succeed in the classroom and beyond. Our campus houses state-of-the-art television and film studios; a new Veteran’s Resource Center; a weekly pop-up food bank providing fruits, vegetables, beverages and dry goods for registered students; free tuition, private lessons and financial aid for qualified music majors, an award-winning mathematics club, student newspaper and Theatre Department. LACC, “The City’s College,” is the destination for students to believe, achieve and succeed. In 2019, LACC will celebrate its 90th anniversary. A C L O S E R L O O K • In 2018, LACC opened a Genderversity and Multicultural Center and a Dream Resource Center to offer financial, counseling and housing assistance for students. • LACC’s Foundation provided1,550 students with $926,000 in support, bringing the five-year total to $3 million in support to 6,500 students. • LACC established an Online Academy allowing students to complete an associate degree for transfer in business in 22 months. • In the 2017–2018 year, LACC achieved a17% growth in transfer degree completion and a 10% growth in non-credit enrollment. • LACC’s Mathematics Department has consistently been in the Top Five rankings for over a decade with the American Mathematics Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC). • Six LACC Theatre Academy students won top awards at the 2018 Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival. • LACC maintains robust Pathway programs in STEM and legal careers for transfer to four-year universities. 855 N. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90029 • (323) 953-4000 • lacitycollege.edu losangelescitycollege • lacitycollege